Pickleball Rulebook Chatbot
The Official USA Pickleball 2024 Rulebook is 88 pages long. No one’s got time for that…so we trained an AI to answer your questions. She may not be perfect but she gets the job done. Say hello to Picklebot below.
Okay, before you get started, we should set some expectations...
This is an experimental chatbot we put together in a weekend. We really should call her Picklebot version 0-0-2… get it? Yeah…dumb joke.
But seriously, don’t expect groundbreaking results here. We’re pickleball players, not AI scientists!
Here are 3 tips to get started;
- 1. Keep your questions simple and concise. Poor spelling and grammar is your problem, not hers.
- 2. Use universal pickeball words, not regional colloquialisms you and your friends use, i.e. Non-Volley Zone instead of Kitchen
- 3. Don’t be rude to Picklebot and ask her unrelated questions. She’s only a rulebook expert…not your shrink.
Lastly, if you’re on a mobile device or have issues viewing Picklebot below, click here to try an external chat window.