What strategies do you employ to attract and retain players in your leagues? How do you cater to different skill levels within the league?
Sunstrum: As you can imagine, when planting a new flag in a new city, it does require an initial lift. So we layer in all the marketing and advertising budgets, social media activations, as well as getting creative and collaborative with the venues that we partner with in those cities.
We also are fortunate to be an upper tier club of DUPR, one of four across the nation, which is really exciting. That relationship has allowed us just to continue to move quicker, faster, and stronger, and get our brand into these different markets, pockets, and cities across the nation.
I’d say that’s been very valuable for us when launching a new city. But once you launch that city, it’s also about how you grow in that city season over season. it’s not only a really strong player experience, but it’s layering in the appropriate referral programs, retention strategies, and ambassador programs, just to see that market flourish season over season. So, there are a lot of different creative things that we layer in to successfully launch a city and then grow that city.
Could you share some ways in which your leagues have positively impacted local communities?
Sunstrum: You know, we definitely feel that the alleviation of what I would argue is one of the biggest barriers to entry of this sport being played on a more consistent basis is removing the headache that is coordinating day, time, location and finding a similar skill set foursome that people have to coordinate in order to play. So knowing that we are alleviating that for them on their behalf, where they can come to this experience or event on a week-to-week basis, tap into the community tap into the Honcho culture and get to play pickleball more consistently, has been huge for us.
To your point about varying skill set divisions, we think that’s a massive piece – making people feel comfortable wherever they are in their walk with pickleball by providing a home for all through varying skill set divisions. And so whenever we stretch into a new market, we launch five different skill set divisions for people to affiliate with, and join and be a part of.
When we are active in these communities, we go above and beyond just the weekly commitments. In every single season and every single one of our cities, we have a social hour or a happy hour, you know, where we kind of disconnect from the competitive spirit and more lean into the social and networking aspect.
We layer in raffles, drawings, and giveaways. Layer in food, beverage, snacks. Layer in open courts for paddle stacking and leisure play, if you will. So that’s a big piece, and then for the semifinal and championship events that we host, we like to make those fun, inclusive, big energy.
So that’s another big piece just to make people feel that they’re not just there to step on the court, play, and then they’re off, right? We want relationships to be established. We want community to be built. And more than anything, we want people playing pickleball more consistently.