Pickleball, like many sports, has its share of superstitions and rituals. From quirky habits to serious routines, players believe these practices help them stay focused, centered, and sometimes even connected to the “pickleball gods.”
Let’s dive into some of the most common—and weirdest—superstitions and rituals that players swear by.
The Common Superstitions
1. The Jinx Phrase: “I Got It!”
Many players believe that saying “I got it!” is a surefire way to hit the net. Despite knowing this, the phrase often slips out, leading to inevitable frustration.
It’s like the pickleball version of Murphy’s Law: whatever can go wrong, will go wrong once you say it.
2. Paddle Taps for Good Karma

Tapping paddles with partners before the game starts, after good shots, and to encourage each other after mistakes is a common practice.
Some players believe this brings good karma and keeps the pickleball gods pleased.
3. Checking the Paddle Orientation
Some players are so particular that they have a designated forehand and backhand side of their paddle.
They check and double-check to ensure they’re holding it right before every point.
4. Fence Taps for Positioning
We’ve seen people tap the fence behind them before receiving a serve to make sure they’re far enough back, but it’s also become a quirky mannerism they just can’t shake.
Be sure to also check out our article on the 13 pickleball haters’ grumbles & smart comebacks. It’s a fun read!
The Quirky and Fun Rituals
5. Paddle Twirling and Pitch Preparation

Some players twirl their paddle before serving, and sometimes those twirls just go on forever. Serve already, man!
6. Blowing on the Ball
Ever noticed players blowing on the ball before every serve? As if it gives the ball a magical boost.
7. Yoga-Inspired Movements
And then there are those players who look like they’re doing yoga poses on the court, extending their arms up and out before serving, like a blooming flower.
Namaste, but please serve already!
8. Anna Bright’s Serve Routine
Pro player Anna Bright has an interesting serving routine where she performs a rhythmic pre-serve routine involving multiple tosses and dribbles, finishing with a high, spinning dribble that transitions into the serve motion.
It’s like watching a carefully choreographed dance.
The Downright Bizarre
9. Heel Tapping
For some, tapping the left heel with the right heel, then the right heel with the left heel before every serve acts as a reminder to keep feet moving.
10. Score-Tap Ritual
One older player has a quirky habit of tapping the ball twice on his paddle after announcing the score, creating his signature “3-1 on 2… tap tap” ritual. It’s his own little pickleball dance.
11. Paddle Spinning and Sweet Spot Check
Spinning the paddle until the grip feels just right, followed by hitting the ball to the ground twice, and restarting if the hit feels off.. Huh, what?!
These superstitions and rituals, while a bit odd, add a special charm to the game. They give players mental focus and comfort, making pickleball even more intriguing and fun.
So next time you’re on the court, don’t be surprised or get annoyed if you see someone blowing on the ball or tapping their heels—it’s just part of the pickleball magic!
The featured image is courtesy of the APP.