Pickleball 101 - The Basics
Before you touch a paddle or step onto a court, there’s some basic information worth knowing. Peruse the articles below to make your next pickleball session fun and fulfilling. Subscribe to the newsletter for consistent tips, drills, strategy & more.
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Pickleball Lingo
Pickleball terms are a blend of custom phrases and racket sport jargon. Here’s our comprehensive (and growing) list.
Basic Shots
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Tips & Guides
The two bounce rule in pickleball requires that the ball must bounce…
Communication in pickleball should always be clear, positive, and respectful. Whether you’re…
The Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) has introduced new serving rules, significantly altering…
Pickleball has a set of slightly changed rules for players competing in…
Pickleball line rules are straightforward—if the ball is touching the line, it’s…
Pickleball rules can be adjusted to singles play with a few modifications,…
The Non-Volley Zone, also known as the kitchen, is the section of…
Pickleball rules for doubles and singles are somewhat different. In doubles, servers…
Injury Prevention
We’ve recently seen in the news that pickleball is causing a health crisis. According to a UBS Group AG report regarding American health care costs, pickleball injuries apparently account for nearly $400 million. Like any sport,…